Plaques and Laminated Awards

Laser Engraved Plaques and Awards. Rochester NY Quality Engraving, Etching and Personalization's.
Laminated Plaques COLOR & FINISH CHOICES. About the Process. |
Recognition Experts understands that different documents may be best complemented by different color and finish schemes. That’s why we offer the widest range of colors and finishes in the business. Whether you are matching office décor or school colors. we offer you choices. Please feel free to use these color samples in your graphics software to construct plaque mock-ups or samples for your customers. Just right-click on the image and select the option "Save Image As". Then select the location where you would like to save the image for future use in your graphics program. Our premium Hardwood Plaques provide the natural beauty of real wood. rather than a simulated wood finish. You can choose from 12 different hand-stained hardwood finishes. samples of each of these choices below:
As a natural product. there is inevitably some variation in how each piece of wood takes a stain – expect some variation Custom Plaques from Recognition Experts offer even more choices. These are predominately solid colors. with some exotics added to the mix. All are finished on the back with either matching laminate or black. Choose from:
Budget Plaques. Trying to meet a price point? Our Budget Plaques are an unbeatable combination of Quality and appearance. An attractive simulated Walnut finish is combined with gold trim. and a High Gloss finish. And best of all. there is no minimum order quantity.
Document Trim. As a no cost inclusion. we surround each document with a ¼” foil trim. chosen to best complement the document. Choose from:
Beveled Plaque Edge. The beveled edge sets off and frames the beautifully finished plaque. Choose from: